Unlock Your Inner Glow

Unlock Your Inner Glow Are we what we eat? Ever wonder which foods could help your skin show off its best glow? Let’s go over some top picks to maximize your skin glow! SALMON 🍣 Your skin really, really needs omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish are loaded with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. Omega-3s might improve dryness, […]

DIY Ingredients to Steer Clear

DIY Ingredients to Steer Clear Leave it to TikTok and the internet to give us wild ideas on what to slather on our skin as the latest pore minimizer or pimple destroyer. Unfortunately, much of what we see on social media is not sound advice. You’ve likely seen some of these ingredients in store-bought products […]

Dermatologists Take on PRP Injections

Dermatologists Take on PRP Injections PRP injections are gaining rapid popularity in the medical world. From hair loss to aiding in sports related injuries, PRP injections are known to speed up recovery in specified areas. How may you ask? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) consists of two elements: the plasma (liquid blood) and platelets, which are the […]

Understanding Rosacea

Understanding Rosacea Rosacea (pronounced “roh-ZAY-sha”) is a skin condition seen most often in adults ages 30 to 60 that causes redness and raised, red bumps or pustules on the face. Symptoms can also include blushing or flushing, tiny broken blood vessels on the skin, and a red nose. While there is no cure for rosacea, […]

Nails 101

Nails 101 Dry nails, brittle nails, rough nails, peeling nails, discolored nails— we hear it all Much of what are nails start to go through as adults is a direct result of what we do with them over our whole lives- wear and tear. Wet work doing dishes, peeling price tags off of purchases, opening […]

Do Beauty Products Expire?

Do Beauty Products Expire? If you’ve never thought about how long you should keep your beauty products or just not paid attention, then now is the time! Do beauty products expire? Absolutely. Any cosmetic product will expire within a few years after the date you open it, usually sooner. “Clean” or “natural” beauty products expire […]